Case Study: NextUp

  • Client

    Formerly Network of Executive Women, this long established organization dedicated to empowering and advancing women in the workplace acknowledged it was time to update their brand and messaging.

    The project was done in partnership with Envisionit, who designed and developed.

  • Brief

    Our goal was to tell a consistent story across channels to break through the clutter in a very crowded space. We did this by creating a strong foundation for the revamped brand moving forward that will serve as a toolkit to create communications as NextUp, starting with the website and updated marketing materials.

  • Scope

    - Naming
    - Messaging platform (tagline, mission, vision, purpose, voice and tone, values, brand pillars, key messages, boilerplate)
    - New website
    - Launch materials (video, social rollout, blog post, constituent emails, brand PDF)

Previous Messaging

Updated Messaging