Fall To The Finish Line: Making The Most Of Q4

Fall has definitely arrived and the rush to the end of the year is on! During the summer months, you might have enjoyed a more relaxed schedule, shorter meetings, and perhaps working on the patio with a drink; but now it's time to welcome refocus and get back into the swing of things. 

'And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.'

 - Meister Eckhart

Fall brings a sense of magic and, along with it, the beautiful crisp air, bright sunny skies, the changing leaves, and that feeling of fresh starts, newness, and excitement! It's reminiscent of the days of back to school and the excitement of getting new supplies: new backpacks, binders and pens. It can be like that still as an adult and working online. Now is the perfect time to sit back & reflect and treat yourself to some fun new items to freshen up your space.

This is also a great time to re-evaluate and rejuvenate your business. Here are a few tips to help you feel that spark and get you back on track.

Give yourself credit!

Even though it was summer, and the weather was hot and sunny, you still got yourself up and worked and dealt with clients and deadlines. Not everyone can do that when the sun is high, and the beach or park is calling your name; it's a great accomplishment. No success is too small!

Revamp your workspace:

Now is the perfect time to refresh your space. Get rid of old papers, files, knick-knacks, or garbage. Act like you're also returning to school and buying new pens, seasonal post-its, a new plant or maybe even a new laptop. Splurge on some creative supplies to get your juices flowing again. Your workspace greatly influences your productivity and creativity, so let it inspire you.

Re-evaluate your business plan and processes:

In the spirit of refreshing things, this is also an excellent time to review your business plan. How has it gone? Are you achieving your goals and doing what you set out to? It may be time to sit down, reflect on how it's been so far and make sure you're heading where you want to or adjust some goals if needed. Remember, it's there to help keep you on track and motivated.

Take care of your mental health/practice self-care:

This is a big one! Being an entrepreneur can be lonely and isolating. Not only that, but you are also in a constantly evolving space (AI!), and you are always on top of everything all the time, so it's easy to get too busy to pay attention to yourself. A study done at UC Berkeley  has shown that 72% of entrepreneurs had mental health concerns. Making time to see a counselor, even ensuring you have a friend or acquaintance to talk with, is an excellent example of self-care. Even saying "no" is self-care. But if nothing else, try to at least schedule a bit of "me-time" into your calendar so you can have a chance to take a walk or read a bit from your book. Don't neglect your well-being. Your business will only run if there is You!

Take a new class or course:

Be a student again! Since everything feels so fresh & optimistic, why not look into that course you've been seeing advertised that piqued your interest, check out some good webinars or pick up that book that you've been hearing others rave about? It doesn't need to be work-related; join a pottery or crocheting class. Learning something new can invigorate, nurture your creativity, and reignite your passion for your business. Whatever it is, use this time to build on your business and yourself. 

Reconnect with your audience:

Remember, your clients and customers are refocusing during this time of year, so it’s  the perfect time to reach out and remind them of services and offerings. Send out a newsletter, pop off a blog or a new LinkedIn post. Get yourself back out there and reconnect.

Look at your finances:

The end of the year is coming quickly. Before it gets too overwhelming, this could be a great time to see where you stand and get some items in order. It will help you know where you are in your business and make any necessary adjustments and prepare some goals for the next season. It will also get you ready for that dreaded tax season.

Enjoy it while it's here!

This beautiful season of crisp air, changing leaves, and nostalgia only stays around for a short time. It's too short for how nice it is. So, enjoy this time while it's here because next thing you know, it's the final stretch, holidays will be coming, and then suddenly, it's a new year! So, break out your cozy sweaters, make sure your favorite blanket is nearby and settle in to enjoy this short season while it's here.

Hopefully, something here helped inspire you, and now head out with confidence, embrace your new adventures, and let the magic of this fresh start guide you into success!

Written by Amber Hart


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